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Dow Automated Orders Triggered the Market’s Wild Week
by Chad Shoop February 9, 2018 Stocks
Everyone is looking for a reason as to why the broad stock market indexes plunged this week. The actual reason is pretty simple.
stock market meltdown Measuring Stock Market Momentum Using the Relative Strength Index
by Ted Bauman February 5, 2018 Stocks
Sometimes, momentum is a bad thing … too much of it suggests the market may be irrationally optimistic. History suggests this is one of those times.
I attended a gathering of CEOs and other executives of up-and-coming explorers, developers and miners. Today, I’m going to show you two of the best: Fireweed Zinc and Auryn Resources. A Golden Age for Metals Explorers
by Sean Brodrick February 1, 2018 Commodities
I attended a gathering of CEOs and other executives of up-and-coming explorers, developers and miners. Today, I’m going to show you two of the best.
It is fear that is employed constantly to gain public support for the massive U.S. police state surveillance system now in place. Fear has produced abandonment of our most important civil and personal rights. Fear the Surveillance Police State
by Bob Bauman January 30, 2018 Government & Politics
Fear is employed constantly by the government to gain public support for the massive U.S. police state surveillance system now in place.
You’re losing money every day of 2018 that goes by that you don’t find out about and act on the new opportunities and threats on the tax front. Tax Reform: How to Save Thousands of Dollars With These Tips
by Ted Bauman January 15, 2018 Taxes
You’re losing money every day of 2018 that goes by that you don’t find out about and act on the new opportunities and threats on the tax front.

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