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The Gold-to-Silver Ratio Just Hit a 30-Year Extreme The gold-to-silver ratio is at a 30-year extreme. It tells us that the price of silver should soar like it did in 1993. Matt Badiali offers two easy ways to get exposure to the precious metal. (3-minute read)
Our Experts’ 3 Best Market Predictions of 2019 This week, we’ll share how the market predictions Matt Badiali, Anthony Planas and Chad Shoop made fared this year. (4-minute read)
The 2020 election has officially started. That means there will be a lot of uncertainty for your portfolio until Election Day finally arrives. Why Presidential Elections Are Good News for Stocks The 2020 election has officially started. That means there will be a lot of uncertainty for your portfolio until Election Day finally arrives.
Bitcoin has no central bank and a hard cap on the amount that can exist. It has rapidly become an alternative to fiat currency. Bitcoin Soars 300% — Ultimate Hedge Against Central Banks Bitcoin has no central bank and a hard cap on the amount that can exist. It has rapidly become an alternative to fiat currency.
Great Stuff 6-28-2019 G-20 Weekend: 4 Things You Need to Know
by Joseph Hargett June 28, 2019 Great Stuff
It’s G-20 weekend! Aren’t you excited? World leaders are gathering in Osaka, Japan, to discuss how best to take advantage of each other and you, the investor. It’s kind of like Family Feud, except on a global scale. For a closer look at this growing kerfuffle, here’s your Friday Four Play: Russian President Vladimir Putin […]

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"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

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