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Latest Insights on TREE

Farming the Internet of Things (IoT) Farming the Internet of Things (IoT) Few industries are better suited for the IoT than agriculture. The soil data alone can be invaluable. Not surprisingly, big agriculture companies smell opportunity in the wind.
Preparing for the New Trump Economy Preparing for the New Trump Economy
by Jeff Opdyke December 21, 2016 U.S. Economy
So many promises and threats are waiting to either unfold or fizzle. Which Donald Trump will show up to his first day on the job? Wall Street's directional future depends on that answer.
The Last Chance for Gold The Last Chance for Gold
by Jeff Yastine December 13, 2016 Gold
If you were waiting on the sidelines after this year’s monster rally, this may be your last chance to buy gold and gold mining stocks at these prices…
hard assets Escape the Not-So-Merry-Go-Round
by Jocelynn Smith December 10, 2016 U.S. Economy
America is stuck on a merry-go-round that is failing to boost our weak economy. It's time for investors to return to hard assets for security and growth.
European Union The EU Meltdown
by Jeff Opdyke December 7, 2016 Gold
The European Union is headed for meltdown with the failure of the Italian referendum vote. Many votes are still ahead and this spells trouble for U.S.

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