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Every day we get one more vaccine report. Wall Street takes it on faith. It takes it to the heart. Waiting for market normalcy is the hardest part. More Vaccine Dreams; Apple and Tesla Hit Splitsville
by Joseph Hargett August 24, 2020 Great Stuff
The Hardest Part Oh, don’t it feel like bullish right now? Don’t it feel like something from a dream? Well, we’ve never known a market quite like this, and it feels like these gains might never come again. But Great Stuff readers know better than to try and pretend. No one could’a ever told you […]
Bad companies till the day you die? No sir! You read Great Stuff — we’ve got you covered. Apple’s Epic War; Tesla Scores; Applied for More
by Joseph Hargett August 14, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Bad Company” Edition Economy … always on the run. Wall Street is the rising sun. We were born, portfolios in our hands. With great research, we’ll make our final stand. That’s why they call me … Great Stuff, and I can’t deny. I’m here to make sure you don’t invest in […]
The Best Stock Market Strategy for 2020 [13-minute video] Volatility due to COVID-19 is just one part of the puzzle…
Falling jobless claims just aren’t exciting enough for Wall Street. This is 2020, after all — investors need more exciting fare. Surprising Claims; Apple’s Bushel; Vroom Vroom Vr—Oof
by Joseph Hargett August 13, 2020 Great Stuff
Sigh-Worthy Jobless Claims Welcome to Great Stuff’s Reader Feedback day! I have to say, your continued outpouring of emails brings a tear to my eye. In the immortal (and misquoted) words of Sally Field, “You like me! You really like me!” OK, so not all of you… But, just like Howard Stern on an eight-ball […]
Buy Gold or Gold Miners? 1 Trade to Profit From the Metal’s Rally [4-minute read] If you understand this relationship between the gold price and shares of gold miners, you have the key to profit from this rally.

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