Killing Democracy: The Rise of Nation Inc.September 12, 2016by Ted BaumanGlobal EconomyDemocracy, sovereignty and a global economy are mutually incompatible. This “political trilemma” has led nations to start acting as corporations, putting your financial stability at risk.
Prepare for Brain-Dead Corporate Tax ReformAugust 29, 2016by Ted BaumanTaxes“Pass-through” companies — LLCs, partnerships, S corporations, etc. — comprise 95% of all U.S. businesses, and they’re about to be smacked with brain-dead corporate tax reform.
The Market’s Breaking PointAugust 23, 2016by Jeff YastineU.S. EconomyPrice discovery. Never heard the term? Remember it, because it explains the logic defying melt-up the market is going through right now.
Canada: The Trouble With a Northern Escape PlanAugust 8, 2016by Ted BaumanOffshore SolutionsInternet searches for “moving to Canada” have spiked to all-time highs, but if you’re thinking about moving to Canada if the election doesn’t go your way, we have some bad news…
Clinton and Trump: The Big Political ConAugust 1, 2016by Ted BaumanGovernment & PoliticsObama once said, “Elections have consequences.” But most Americans vote based on wish fulfillment rather than careful consideration. Be careful what you wish for.
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