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Retail Weeps, China Creeps, Bankers Beat and Testing Sleeps May 15, 2020 Great Stuff Friday Four Play: You Down With PPT? Holy cats! It was one busy Friday. I mean, we had a literal smorgasbord of market-moving data … all in one day: Consumer spending set another record in April, plunging 16.4%. President Trump blocked semiconductor shipments to Huawei. China threatened to activate its “unreliable entity list.” Trump questioned […]
The Fed Failed Us — Protect Yourself With Gold May 14, 2020 Gold, U.S. Economy, Winning Investor Daily Current estimates show the Fed will print $3.5 trillion (with a “T”) to cover its deficit this year. But it can’t debase gold.
No Double Bottom in Stocks Ahead — 1 Chart Shows Why May 12, 2020 2020 Financial Crisis, Stocks, Winning Investor Daily I’ve seen the rising levels of disbelief and skepticism in the current market rally. But I think it will keep going for longer than many expect.
1 HUGE Event Will Send Bitcoin to $20,000 May 8, 2020 Currency, Investment Opportunities, Winning Investor Daily Bitcoin went from the toast of the town to a dumpster in a back alley. But, it had previously risen from multiple 75%-plus falls.
Market FOMO Rising; Disney Plus Ultra April 9, 2020 Great Stuff Mr. FOMO Risin’ If you ever needed clear proof that the stock market does not represent the U.S. economy, today provided it. The U.S. Department of Labor announced that 6.6 million Americans filed for first-time unemployment benefits last week. The latest data bring the total of new claims to more than 16 million for the […]