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The Fed Says "Get Greedy" The Fed Says “Get Greedy” Might sound hard to believe, but now is NOT the time to be fearful — because in a matter of months, the Fed will reward greed...
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Bear Market Rally Ready for a Bear Market Rally? In history, some of the BIGGEST rallies have occurred in the middle of bear markets. Look at the dot-com bust or the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, each of them had powerful rallies in an incredibly short amount of time. So, the big question is: How do you know when they’re going to occur? Ted Bauman and Clint Lee give you the three conditions to look for and the sectors to hone in on.
Have You Actually Seen a True Bear? Have You Actually Seen a True Bear? Many younger traders have never experienced the highs and lows of a true bear market... Mike Carr shares what to expect.

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