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I’m not alone in this obsession. America — and countries around the globe — are making this commodity sizzling hot. Beloved Pork Belly Prices Soared 80%
by Jessica Cohn July 22, 2017 Commodities
I’m not alone in this obsession. America — and countries around the globe — are making this commodity sizzling hot.
As I discussed back in April, our opportunity was to short natural gas by owning consumers that rely on natural gas for fuel. Turns out, my thesis works. Investing In Natural Gas Companies When Prices Drop
by Matt Badiali July 21, 2017 Hard Commodities
As I discussed back in April, our opportunity was to short natural gas by owning consumers that rely on natural gas for fuel. Turns out, my thesis works.
The 10-year seasonal uptrend started on July 9, and, like clockwork, prices jumped. Gold’s Seasonal Uptrend Just Started … But I’m Still Short Gold
by Chad Shoop July 21, 2017 Gold
The 10-year seasonal uptrend started on July 9, and, like clockwork, prices jumped. But I’m still short gold prices. Here’s why...
What the Midterms Showed Us Is Gerrymandering a Threat to Democracy? The U.S. Supreme Court's upcoming decision on gerrymandering could have a major impact on future U.S. elections. But will it really change anything?
Maybe Those ‘Good Old Days’ Were Never Good
by Michael Carr July 20, 2017 U.S. Economy
Turning back the clock is always a popular idea in the country, as President Donald Trump’s election demonstrated.

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"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

- Helen C.

“Loving this. Should have started a long time ago.”

- Jay

"I couldn’t believe it … in just 2 months, I made $298,506 on one stock – that’s a 24% gain!"

- John B.

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