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Here’s Why this Year’s Worst Performing Metal Could be First in 2018!
by Optin December 7, 2017 Gold Mining Millionaire
In 2018, the cycles forecast a major move to the upside for the entire precious metals complex, but naturally, some metals will perform better than others. Case in point, earlier this year I pointed out the big disparity between the performance of palladium vs. platinum prices. Historically, precious platinum had almost always traded at a premium to […]
Talk of tax reform leaves businesses waiting on the investment sidelines until they know exactly what will happen. This could lead to triple digit gains. Businesses Are Parking Cash Until Trump’s Tax Reform is Announced
by Michael Carr December 7, 2017 U.S. Economy
Talk of tax reform created uncertainty. Businesses make money by waiting to see if tax rules change next year, or in 2019 under the Senate’s plan.
The recent tax bill that was passed lowers the corporate tax rate from 35% to 20%. Here's how that will create huge opportunities for you in stocks. Corporate Tax Rate Cuts Will Create Huge Opportunities
by Ian Dyer December 6, 2017 U.S. Economy
The recent tax bill that was passed lowers the corporate tax rate from 35% to 20%. That will make a huge difference to companies that spend a lot of money.
The future of Tesla is not in their money-losing automotive operations. Instead, they should focus on what could be their real profit bonanza. This Is Tesla’s Real Business (It Isn’t Sports Cars)
by Jeff Yastine December 5, 2017 Global Economy
I have a proposal for Tesla CEO Elon Musk: Sell Tesla’s money-losing automotive operations and focus the company where the real profit bonanza is.
The inflation that the Fed has been searching for has shown up in the most unexpected places, and it can’t be ignored any longer. Inflation Is Staring You in the Face. Are You Prepared?
by Ted Bauman December 4, 2017 U.S. Economy
The inflation that the Fed has been searching for has shown up in the most unexpected places, and it can’t be ignored any longer.

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