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November 2017 employment numbers were good. However, a fed interest rate hike will happen this week for good reason. Here's why it will. Here’s Why the Fed Will Raise Interest Rates This Week
by Michael Carr December 11, 2017 Economy, U.S. Economy
Wages are growing nearly 3% a year. Of course, workers want more than that. But the Fed is worried that's already too high.
There is good news for natural resource investors out there. If you are looking to put money to work in this trend, you have plenty of options, such as... This Global Index Is Screaming Higher
by Matt Badiali December 8, 2017 Commodities
The Baltic Dry Index, which is a benchmark of shipping rates around the world, hit a four-year high. And that’s great news for natural resources.
Here’s Why this Year’s Worst Performing Metal Could be First in 2018!
by Optin December 7, 2017 Gold Mining Millionaire
In 2018, the cycles forecast a major move to the upside for the entire precious metals complex, but naturally, some metals will perform better than others. Case in point, earlier this year I pointed out the big disparity between the performance of palladium vs. platinum prices. Historically, precious platinum had almost always traded at a premium to […]
How do you heal a divided America? Bob Bauman discusses how the memory of Pearl Harbor can break through our current disunity. In Times of Disunity, Remember Pearl Harbor
by Bob Bauman December 5, 2017 Government & Politics
What force galvanized that unique American unity that, with our allies, combined to defeat the Japanese and Nazi aggressors?
The future of Tesla is not in their money-losing automotive operations. Instead, they should focus on what could be their real profit bonanza. This Is Tesla’s Real Business (It Isn’t Sports Cars)
by Jeff Yastine December 5, 2017 Global Economy
I have a proposal for Tesla CEO Elon Musk: Sell Tesla’s money-losing automotive operations and focus the company where the real profit bonanza is.

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