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Latest Insights on BAC

$286 Billion Car Accident Coming: Steer Clear of These 2 Stocks (4-minute read) Some companies in the auto sector have been bouncing back recently … but don’t be fooled. Auto financing companies are sitting on the edge of a $286 billion cliff.
Microsoft Shares Will Crash 30% This Year Last time Microsoft was this popular was back in 1999 and early 2000. You know what happened next.
The Fed’s Video Game Stock Market [5-minute read] Investing your hard-earned dollars in a stock market divorced from reality is a dangerous game. There are gains to be made, but the difficulty level could get a lot harder.
Tesla: To Infinity and Beyond? (5-minute read) This weekend saw a historic rocket launch — the first time American astronauts have been launched from American soil in nine years. Elon Musk’s SpaceX is ushering in the future, and Chad Shoop expects his other companies to benefit.
Even with record-high unemployment and civil unrest across the country, stocks are poised for new all-time highs. This Market Is Unstoppable — New All-Time Highs Ahead Even with record-high unemployment and civil unrest across the country, stocks are poised for an epic rally.

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