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Simple Stock Indicator to Avoid Losses and Spot Great Buys July 1, 2019 Recession, Stocks, Trading Strategies, Winning Investor Daily Following the trend rather than forecasting the trend is the key to profits in 2019, and in every other year.
The Gold-to-Silver Ratio Just Hit a 30-Year Extreme July 1, 2019 American Investor Today, Gold, Investment Opportunities, Natural Resources, Precious Metals The gold-to-silver ratio is at a 30-year extreme. It tells us that the price of silver should soar like it did in 1993. Matt Badiali offers two easy ways to get exposure to the precious metal. (3-minute read)
Our Experts’ 3 Best Market Predictions of 2019 June 29, 2019 American Investor Today, Economy, U.S. Economy This week, we’ll share how the market predictions Matt Badiali, Anthony Planas and Chad Shoop made fared this year. (4-minute read)
Bitcoin’s Crypto Bubble, Thanks to Facebook Libra June 27, 2019 Great Stuff Today, we’re not going to talk about Trump, China or the Democratic debates. You’re welcome. The reason: I’m plumb Xi’ed out. I’ve got no more Trump in the tank, and it’s far too early to worry about what the two million candidates running for the Democratic nomination are debating right now. Besides, bitcoin (CCC: BTC-USD) […]
Friday Four Play: “Slacking off on the Fed” June 21, 2019 Great Stuff Fed, Fed, Fed … it’s all we’ve heard this week. Interest rates, monetary policy, Jerome Powell … I’m done. Finished. Finito. How about you? I’m betting you’re tired of hearing about it as well. So, here are four decidedly non-Fed tips for you as we head into the weekend. No. 1: Man, It Feels Good […]