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Every day we get one more vaccine report. Wall Street takes it on faith. It takes it to the heart. Waiting for market normalcy is the hardest part. More Vaccine Dreams; Apple and Tesla Hit Splitsville
by Joseph Hargett August 24, 2020 Great Stuff
The Hardest Part Oh, don’t it feel like bullish right now? Don’t it feel like something from a dream? Well, we’ve never known a market quite like this, and it feels like these gains might never come again. But Great Stuff readers know better than to try and pretend. No one could’a ever told you […]
Move Over, Bitcoin: There’s a New Crypto King (5-minute read) Bitcoin is losing market share to a wave of more useful cryptocurrencies, which will soar higher in the years to come.
Is Tesla the Next Bitcoin? Get ready… Because today I’m pitting Ted Bauman and Clint Lee against each other. These two financial heavyweights are going head-to-head to determine where Tesla Inc. (Nasdaq: TSLA) may be headed next. It’s a Monday matchup of fundamental vs. technical analysis. And each of these gurus comes to a very different conclusion… And the Winner Is… In today’s Your […]
Read My Op-Ed in the Washington Times See Charles Mizrahi’s op-ed in the Washington Times. He believes capitalism isn’t the problem, it’s the solution. Read now.
Poll: The First $5 Trillion Tech Company We’re now living the age of multitrillion-dollar companies. That’s because Apple reached a $2 trillion market capitalization earlier this week.

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