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Having a trusted adviser can make all the difference. In the world of investing, many of us seek that person. Especially with today's market. In Times of Panic, You Need a Trusted Financial Adviser Having a trusted adviser can make all the difference. In the world of investing, many of us seek that person. Especially with today's market.
The stock prices of the group reflected hopes for the new markets. And a bubble developed. But the bubble reached irrational peaks. All bubbles do. The FAANG Stock Market Bubble Just Popped
by Michael Carr October 29, 2018 Stocks
The stock prices of the group reflected hopes for the new markets. And a bubble developed. But the bubble reached irrational peaks. All bubbles do.
Millennials Will Fuel a Homebuilders Comeback
by Ian Dyer October 24, 2018 Real Estate
The past month has been brutal for stocks. But no industry has been hit harder than homebuilders. Some individual homebuilding stocks are down 30% or more.
The New 5G Kid on the Block
by Jeff Yastine October 18, 2018 Investing, Technology
Do you want to chase what the crowd is chasing? Or how about focusing on an ignored group of stocks that's selling cheap — with a catalyst to take them sharply higher?
Commodity ETFs Will Become the Next FAANG Stocks You want to start investigating assets that are dirt-cheap today, but destined to rise in price tomorrow. And today, these assets can be had for a song.

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