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Get an Edge in the Market With 1 Seasonal Calendar Get an Edge in the Market With 1 Seasonal Calendar There are plenty of ways to get an edge in the market, but we can bet you've never thought of this one: a seasonal calendar.
Unusual Options Activity: Worried About the Dip? These Guys Aren't... Unusual Options Activity: Worried About the Dip? These Guys Aren’t… Chad Shoop isn't the only one who's bullish right now. Today's UOA traders are betting $4 million on rallies in F, TWTR, MRK, and PPC.
The Sell-Off Isn’t a March Repeat … Here’s How to Play It [3-minute read] These profit opportunities are just getting started.
A number of sectors have already outperformed the likes of Amazon in recent weeks … and they’re primed to soar in the coming year. Stock Market Rotation: Buy These Sectors as They Rocket Past Amazon A number of sectors have already outperformed the likes of Amazon in recent weeks … and they’re primed to soar in the coming year.
Forget bulls and bears — this is the kangaroo market, and you need to beware. It’s not just market volatility that we’re talking about there… Kangaroo Market; A Pilgrim’s Shame; The Shop-Mart Gang
by Joseph Hargett June 15, 2020 Great Stuff
The Kangaroo Market According to Merriam-Webster, a kangaroo court is “a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted.” Now, you’ve heard of kangaroo courts before, right? But have you ever heard of a kangaroo market? On Friday, Berenberg Capital Markets analyst Jonathan Stubbs forwent the usual “bull” or […]

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