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Netflix password sharing Metallica Napster meme Netflix’s Password Pain, Lulu’s Victory Lap, P&G’s Productivity Pitch
by Joseph Hargett April 20, 2022 Great Stuff
Little Red Streaming Service Great Ones, I guess I should’ve known by the way CEO Reed Hastings parked his car sideways that it wouldn’t last. See, Netflix (Nasdaq: ) is the kinda company that believed in sharing passwords. Now, it’s love ‘em and leave ‘em fast. I guess I must be dumb. I had a […]
The end of paper money The End of Paper Money Cash is going to be useless by the end of the decade. Everything is going digital.
Ted Bauman Stock Market Crash 5 Reasons the Market Might Crash You’ve heard it all … from the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes, the war in Ukraine to China’s COVID concerns. Despite all that, the market’s doing alright. But what if that could change in an instant? In today’s update, I give you the insider knowledge on what Wall Street won’t tell you. I have five ways the stock and bond markets might tip toward a BIG crash and what you can do today to protect yourself.
No. 1 play to beat "other" recession" Your No. 1 Play to Beat the “Other” Recession “You’re going to want to sit down for this…”OK, that’s not exactly what a White House official said to prepare the nation for Tuesday’s report on consumer inflation. But it was pretty darn close. Instead, their choice of words was: “We expect March CPI headline inflation to be extraordinarily elevated” and they weren’t lying.
Ethereum 2022 Is the Year of Ethereum Ethereum has yet to be toppled as the king of the hill.

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