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Distant economic growth calls to me. Rolling stock market gains seduce my heart. Curse the electric fence! Curse the electric fence! The Poetry of Economic Reopening; Pro Tips for Newbie Investors
by Joseph Hargett July 2, 2020 Great Stuff
Here We Grow Again The distant economic growth calls to me. Their rolling stock market gains seduce my heart. Oh, how I want to graze on those lush returns, let my positions run up those green slopes. Alas, I cannot. Curse the electric fence! Curse the electric fence! We’re riffing a little on Gary Larson’s […]
Tesla! Tesla! Tesla! That’s all you ever hear in the electric vehicle market. Well, Great Stuff has three EV stocks that you need to see right now that aren’t Tesla. 3 Electrifying EV Opportunities
by Joseph Hargett June 30, 2020 Great Stuff
Greased EV Lightning I’ve got chills. Electric vehicle (EV) stocks are multiplying. And the sector’s losing control! ’Cause the power they’re supplying — it’s electrifying. Dear readers, you better shape up. Because you need an EV stock, with returns that are true. The natural choice here is, of course, Tesla Inc. (Nasdaq: TSLA). This past […]
What’s Next for Farmers and Fishers: Stuck in a Pandemic-Hit Industry (x-minute read) Matt Badiali is no stranger to fishers of Northeast Florida. He’s seen their struggle firsthand. He gives you his view of the agriculture market.
Expert’s Simple Strategy to Profit From Downtrends (No Options Trading) (3-minute read) Chad Shoop’s Profit Stacking strategy shows you how you can make money in downtrends. That might seem impossible. But let him show you how.
Tesla Is Now the World’s No. 1 Automaker Tesla’s stock broke the $1,000 mark for the first time earlier this month. But it isn’t the only American company that’s thriving despite the pandemic.

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