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Greenspan thinks the stock market is in good shape but that bonds are in a bubble. And like all bubbles, the bond-market bubble is going to end badly. Like All Bubbles, This One Will End Badly December 27, 2017 by Michael Carr Bonds Crashes always seem to come out of nowhere. But, in hindsight, we realize that all the elements for a crash were in place months before prices fell.
What the Year of the Dog holds for us depends in large part on what each of us chooses. We will do our best to help you choose personal freedom. Former Congressman’s Thoughts on the Year Ahead December 19, 2017 by Bob Bauman Government & Politics Many investors and bankers act as though there is no day of reckoning, while American politicians cut taxes when the national debt nears $21 trillion.
Here’s my Dirty Dozen list of tax steps you can undertake before December 31 - each is a consequence of the looming federal income tax changes. 12 Profitable Tax Moves to Make Before Trump’s New Tax Law December 18, 2017 by Ted Bauman Taxes Here’s my Dirty Dozen list of tax steps you can undertake before December 31 to wring the maximum amount away from Uncle Sam before the law changes in 2018.
Corporate tax cuts would give retail companies the wherewithal to make competitive investments in innovation. Let’s look at the math to prove it. Play This Miracle on Main Street December 11, 2017 by Ted Bauman Stocks The new tax plan promises to breathe fresh life into a sector that most investors have already written off as dead.
global financial crisis Is Gold a Sign of a Global Financial Crisis? December 9, 2017 by Jessica Cohn Global Economy World powers are stocking up on gold ahead of a possible collapse.

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