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Don’t Fall for Corporate America’s Dirty Trick March 12, 2018 by Ted Bauman U.S. Economy This once-illegal activity is the single largest short-term driver of the stock market.
Employment Report Shows the Bull Market Is Back on Track March 12, 2018 by Michael Carr Economy The rising participation rate confirms growth in employment is possible. Although rising, the participation rate remains well below its historical average.
A car crash taught me this one wealth-saving tip: that frivolous lawsuits are a dime a dozen. To me, it’s clear that we’re living in an incredibly litigious society. Civil Lawsuits Amount to $239 Billion a Year: Lawyer-Up to Protect Assets March 10, 2018 by Jessica Cohn Wealth Protection A car crash taught me this one wealth-saving tip.
A car crash taught me this one wealth-saving tip: that frivolous lawsuits are a dime a dozen. To me, it’s clear that we’re living in an incredibly litigious society. Civil Lawsuits Amount to $239 Billion a Year: Lawyer-Up to Protect Assets March 10, 2018 by Jessica Cohn Wealth Protection A car crash taught me this one wealth-saving tip.
This is a chart I’ll keep a close eye on in the coming weeks, as it could be giving us an early warning to a looming bear market. This Chart Is Warning of a Bear Market March 9, 2018 by Chad Shoop Stocks This is a chart I’ll keep a close eye on in the coming weeks, as it could be giving us an early warning to a looming bear market.

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“At the end of August [2018], my 401K was $659,000. Now, on September 4th [2018], it’s $715,000. My account is up $56,000 in the last 5 days!”

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