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Follow the “Smart Money” by Investing Alongside Harvard May 9, 2019 Investment Opportunities, Stocks, Winning Investor Daily Harvard is partnering with one of the best health care-focused hedge funds. Here’s how you could profit from that…
Why the Next Decade Will Be the Greatest in Human History May 3, 2019 Technology, U.S. Economy, Winning Investor Daily It will be like the Roaring ’20s have arrived again — a decade of increased productivity and prosperity.
Bad Inflation Data Hides the Real Cost of Living April 29, 2019 Government & Politics, U.S. Economy, Winning Investor Daily Economic growth is the best it’s been in the 21st century, according to official data. Yet, consumers feel like they’re falling behind.
Extractors Are the Next Mega Trend in the Marijuana Market April 19, 2019 American Investor Today, Cannabis, Natural Resources The cannabis sector is still in its infancy, but it is already facing disruption. Analysts estimate that marijuana extracts and derivatives will make up 50% of the market in the years to come. Anthony Planas discusses this in detail, and he makes a recommendation for your portfolio.
For Big Gains in Gold, Stay Out of the U.S. — Invest in These Countries April 15, 2019 American Investor Today, Gold While gold stocks haven’t seen much movement in the U.S., there is a raging bull market in this yellow metal in other countries. Matt Badiali shares with you where you should be looking if you want to invest in this resource.