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Thursday: The day where Wall Street remembers unemployment exists, and tech stocks rally. Time to Get Teched; Great Stuff Responds
by Joseph Hargett July 9, 2020 Great Stuff
QQQ: The Greatest Show The Nasdaq Composite just broke out to fresh all-time highs. Sound familiar to you? I typed those exact words about one month ago on June 4 … a Thursday. Today is also a Thursday. And, just like Arthur Dent, I never could get the hang of Thursdays. Why do Thursdays matter? […]
Make Money No Matter Who Wins in November [4-minute read] This ETF will benefit from what comes next in America … and unlike some stock prices right now, that conclusion is based on facts.
The $18.3 Trillion American Reset — Time to Profit I believe the mother of all rallies is here — a “reset” of the economy after the March crash. And it has a ton of room to run higher.
The Most Dangerous Unknown for the Stock Market Right Now [5-minute read] As investors, we’re all flying blind … but the one thing we have depended on may be gone in the blink of an eye. Whatever you do, don’t make this mistake.
What’s Next for Farmers and Fishers: Stuck in a Pandemic-Hit Industry (x-minute read) Matt Badiali is no stranger to fishers of Northeast Florida. He’s seen their struggle firsthand. He gives you his view of the agriculture market.

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