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When a rubber band is stretched too far, it tends to snap back. The same is true of stocks in the long run … with the long run measured in years. Energy Is a Long-Term Buy
by Michael Carr February 6, 2017 Trading Strategies
When a rubber band is stretched too far, it tends to snap back. The same is true of stocks in the long run … with the long run measured in years.
Lighting a Fire Under the Economy Lighting a Fire Under the Economy
by Jessica Cohn February 4, 2017 Economy
Millennials are part of the largest living generation, numbering a massive 92 million. And many just now hitting their stride in their careers and are ready to take over this economy.
What’s on Your TV? There was supposed to be serious competition for the content on our TVs. However, one company is putting the competition to shame.
America’s New Inflation Problem America’s New Inflation Problem
by Jeff Opdyke February 1, 2017 U.S. Economy
The U.S. economy is being steered by black swan president and economists with isolationist views. It’s an environment that breeds inflation and screams: “Buy gold!”
Plenty of you read Paul  ’s insights every week here. But just briefly, let me tell you about the first time I met our Profits Unlimited editor… Turning Mega Trends Into Mega Profits – Endorsing Profits Unlimited
by Jeff Yastine February 1, 2017 Investing
Plenty of you read Paul ’s insights every week here. But just briefly, let me tell you about the first time I met our Profits Unlimited editor…

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