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Even the Fed Can’t Keep Gold Down
by Jeff Yastine May 24, 2016 Gold
We are only five months into 2016, and sales of gold coins at the U.S. Mint have nearly doubled. Demand for physical gold is soaring, and even the Fed will have trouble slowing its ascent.
Fear the U.S. Dollar Kill Switch The Paradox of Cash: It’s Always the Government’s Money
by Ted Bauman May 23, 2016 Currency
For most of human history, we’ve lived in largely cashless societies. It’s nothing new. But there are concerns about a modern cashless society, and the real threat should terrify you.
Escape the Earnings Meltdown Market Declines & Options on The S&P 500 Explained
by Chad Shoop May 13, 2016 Stocks
For the first time since 2008, we are facing four straight quarters of negative earnings growth. Stocks are now poised for a plunge, but there is one sector that could offer you protection.
The Gold You Should Be Buying - interest rates The Gold You Should Consider Investing in Right Now
by Jeff Opdyke May 11, 2016 Gold
With interest rates in negative territory for much of the globe, and headed there in the U.S., it’s not enough to just own gold … you have to own the right kind of gold.
Bubble, Bubble ... the Fed's in Trouble The $3.7 Trillion Municipal-Bond Market Just Isn’t That “Liquid”
by Jeff Yastine May 10, 2016 Bonds
The Fed is allowing big banks to treat municipal bonds as safe, high-quality assets for emergency reserves. But once you’ve read up on Ramapo, New York, “safe” no longer comes to mind.

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