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jobs reports - I was told there would be jobs July 2 meme small Jobs On The Rise, Virgin’s Branson Flies & Robinhood’s Lying Eyes
by Joseph Hargett July 2, 2021 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!” Edition Welcome to Friday, Great Ones! This is no ordinary Friday, though. Today is jobs day! That’s right: The Labor Department said this morning that the U.S. economy added a better-than-expected 850,000 jobs in June … and economists are both excited and scared. On one hand, economists praised […]
share knowledge become better investor In 1 Hour or Less: Your Path to Becoming A Better Investor (5-minute read) Knowledge builds up like compound interest. It’s the secret to becoming smarter. That’s why we’re not only expanding our knowledge, but yours, too…
Cord cutter reaction Roku Comcast Anakin Padme meme small Roku + Comcast? FedEx’s Folly; Nike’s Sole Asylum
by Joseph Hargett June 25, 2021 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Roku Rumors” Edition ♫How do rumors get started? They’re started by jealous people and…♫ Welcome to Friday, Great Ones! Today we’re diving into rumors that Comcast (Nasdaq: ) is eyeing Roku (Nasdaq: ) as a potential takeover target. But before we get to that, a little Friday fun: Do you know […]
The 3rd Fed Mandate … and Your Wealth Three important preparations to make now.

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