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From work productivity to entertainment, from graphic design to database management, the world runs on American software. The World Runs on American Software From work productivity to entertainment, from graphic design to database management, the world runs on American software.
President Donald Trump has been in office for more than a year now — and I don’t think he would be impressed with his economy. Trump’s Not Impacting the Economy … Yet
by Chad Shoop March 30, 2018 U.S. Economy
President Donald Trump has been in office for more than a year now — and I don’t think he would be impressed with his economy.
Hottest Investments This Chart Calls for a Crash. But It’s Not That Simple… Under normal circumstances, this looks like something that would lead to another financial crisis. However, there’s actually a good reason behind it.
So you’re upset that Facebook collected data on you? The sweetest revenge isn’t deleting your account. It’s learning how to profit from the whole sorry mess. The Real Lesson of the Facebook Debacle So you’re upset that Facebook collected data on you? The sweetest revenge isn’t deleting your account. It’s learning how to profit from the whole sorry mess.
The Lithium Boom Will Bust Sooner Than You Think Lithium follows a long-standing tradition of fad investing in mining. However, I’m highly skeptical of lithium investments today.

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