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We asked you for DoorDash opinions, and boy, we got ‘em! Get the latest on the DoorDash IPO — and if should buy in when DASH goes public. DoorDash Rehash; I’m With the BAND; Uber’s Robo-Taxi No More
by Joseph Hargett November 19, 2020 Great Stuff
Knocking on Heaven’s Door(Dash) Great Ones … welcome to Reader Feedback day! If you happen to be new ‘round these parts, today’s the day that Great Stuff answers your questions, researches your investment ideas and indulges in your rants … whatever the topic may be. Seriously. Last week, we covered everything from artificial intelligence to […]
Wondering where that Great Stuff Picks portfolio is or how Plug Power is doing? I’ve got your portfolio right here. It’s Reader Feedback day! Reader Feedback: Stuff It. Great Stuff It Good!
by Joseph Hargett November 12, 2020 Great Stuff
Crack That Whip! When a problem comes along, you Great Stuff it. If the market does you wrong, you Great Stuff it. You will never live it down … unless you Stuff it. Welcome to Reader Feedback day! Today is the day when Great Ones get the chance to tell the market — or Mr. […]
The Strategy Wall Street Doesn’t Want You to Use (4-minute read) Warren Buffett is a legendary investor for lots of reasons. Today, we’re going to take you through one big one. Read more…
Forget cannabis and green energy! One major investment that Wall Street missed: cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology that drives it. Blockchains That Bind: Beyond McMeat Belief
by Joseph Hargett November 10, 2020 Great Stuff
Workin’ on a Blockchain Gang Are you exhausted by the breakneck Biden rally? Just kidding. We all know Wall Street rallied on vaccine hopes and end-of-pandemic dreams. Still, the markets took a breather today to digest the roughly 9% rally since Election Day. Well … the small-cap-laden Russell 2000 didn’t rest much, gaining nearly 2% […]
What does it say about 2020 that a new president’s election isn’t the biggest news? A 5% rally all over a McPlant… Wall Street’s Hope Injection; Plug’s Power; McFaceplant
by Joseph Hargett November 9, 2020 Great Stuff
The Hope Inoculum Positive vaccine results and a president-elect? Take that stock market uncertainty! Great Ones, we just took two large steps forward in weeding out market volatility. As you all probably already know, the major U.S. broadcasting networks dubbed Joe Biden president-elect over the weekend. Clearly, this is an unofficial declaration, as there are […]

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"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

- Helen C.

“My portfolio has grown from 275k to almost 900k with only investments made with Banyan Hill.”

- David G. (Member since 2018)

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- Randy

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