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Taking Back America - Freedoms Taking Back America The last few presidents have run roughshod over our freedoms, and the incoming class of “hopefuls” offer little hope. But, in the end, it’s up to us to determine America’s future…
Apple Vs. the FBI The War on Privacy Apple vs. the FBI: The War on Privacy
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The government is going after Apple’s iPhone encryption with a vengeance. The “terrorism” flag is being waved, but it’s your privacy that’s really at stake. After all, can we really trust this breach of privacy will be “one time only”?
Image for tax season scams 3 Tips to Avoid Tax Season Scams
by Ted Bauman February 1, 2016 Taxes
Tax season is quickly approaching, and that means one thing: the return of scammers determined on seizing your wealth. Follow these tips to avoid being a target.
The Best Cyber Investment Tip I’ve Ever Heard
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Wall Street promises to increase investors' returns ... but always disappoints. But the best investment tip we've ever heard has nothing to do with stocks.

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