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Amazon is not your traditional retailer, a fact that Whole Foods Market is about to find out the hard way. Amazon: E-Commerce at Any Cost Amazon is not your traditional retailer, a fact that Whole Foods Market is about to find out the hard way.
Solar energy has emerged as a dominant force that is not only an unlimited resource, but also becoming cheaper and cheaper. Solar Power Is Cheaper Than Ever
by Ian Dyer June 21, 2017 U.S. Economy
Solar energy has emerged as a dominant force that is not only an unlimited resource, but also becoming cheaper and cheaper.
Amazon Just ‘Jumped the Shark’ Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods will be a surprising setback for the Internet giant and, quite likely, the high-water mark for its stock market valuation.
Every day, the stock market moves. And every night, articles appear explaining the move. But in the long run, only one thing moves the stock market. The Secret Behind Moves in the Stock Market
by Michael Carr June 20, 2017 Stocks
Every day, the stock market moves. And every night, articles appear explaining the move. But in the long run, only one thing moves the stock market.
Most Federal Reserve officials expect short-term interest rates to stabilize at 2.5% to 3%. This is devastating news if you’re hoping to retire someday. The ‘Dot Plot’ Confirms Bad News for Retirees
by Michael Carr June 19, 2017 Income
Most Federal Reserve officials expect short-term interest rates to stabilize at 2.5% to 3%. This is devastating news if you’re hoping to retire someday.

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