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There are signs that Big Tech’s leadership is starting to waiver. And a new set of market leaders is chasing them down… The Era of Big Tech Is Ending
by Ian King October 12, 2020 Stocks, Winning Investor Daily
There are signs that Big Tech’s leadership is starting to waiver. And a new set of market leaders is chasing them down…
Ah, Feedback days: Where we answer your questions, let you rant, riff on your insanity and address your concerns about stocks and the market. Reader Roundup: Sensors and Sensibilities
by Joseph Hargett October 8, 2020 Great Stuff
Stairway to Great Stuff Welcome to Reader Feedback day! The day that’s all about you, the Great Stuff reader — the Great One, if you will. Today’s the day when we answer your questions, address your concerns about stocks and the market, let you rant … and generally riff off whatever insanity you send our […]
Hydrogen, taxes … and Dodd-Frank? What? Hey, it’s Reader Feedback day at Great Stuff; you never know what you’re going to get. Hydrogen: 3 Stocks for an $11 Trillion Market
by Joseph Hargett October 1, 2020 Great Stuff
Hydrogen: It’s a Gas, Gas, Gas! Welcome to Reader Feedback day! As usual, today is all about you, dear reader! Your questions. Your concerns. Your interestingly worded rants and lyrical requests … the works. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show. Oh, and if you haven’t written in yet, now’s your chance! Drop the […]
Death and taxes, am I right? You can’t avoid taxes completely, but if you want to make out like the best of them, I happen to know a guy… Taking Back Tax; Talking Tata; Beyond These Walls
by Joseph Hargett September 29, 2020 Great Stuff
The Taxman Cometh Let me tell you how it will be … there’s one for you, 19 for me. Yes, we’re talking taxes today. No, it’s not tax season. But I’d argue that if you truly want to keep as much of your hard-earned cash as possible, every season is tax season. Now, you can’t […]
Let the Magic of Yield Growth Work for You [4-minute read] There’s never been a better time to build a portfolio that hands you endless income.

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