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Let Me Be Your Guide — 2 Sectors to Avoid Right Now (4-minute read) Chad Shoop knows the difference between a good guide and a bad one. That’s why he’s here to make sure you have all the guidance you need for today’s massive volatility. Read on…
Confident German investors? French economics? Vacays to Spain? If these really are the reasons the Dow’s up today, we’re in big trouble… Streets Apart; Nikola’s Electric Garbage Orchestra; Kodak Cracks
by Joseph Hargett August 10, 2020 Great Stuff
Grasping at Straws I absolutely love watching the mainstream financial media attempt to explain the market’s daily rise and fall. Sites like MarketWatch, CNBC and Bloomberg all have readers scrambling to know why the market is doing what it’s doing right now. They can’t simply have every headline say “Stocks Fall on China-U.S. Tensions” or […]
As the costs of these systems continue to decline, it will reshape our nation’s energy grid and utility companies. Why Power Outages Will Soon Be History As the costs of these systems continue to decline, it will reshape our nation’s energy grid and utility companies.
2 Epic Stock Market Rotations Are Coming — 6 ETF’s to Watch [14-minute video] The only certainty in the stock market is that it won’t stay the same forever. Here are two big shifts to prepare for today.
“You Want a Sully on Every Plane” — The 1 Person Who Can Make You 18-Fold Gains (3-minute read) Sully was a pilot, a hero and most importantly, a guy who’s calm under pressure. You want a guy like that in charge of your business.

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