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stock-picking strategy Revealed: Secret Strategy That Crushes Wall Street Wall Street wishes it had this powerful trading system … and soon, Brian and Jeff will give their subscribers access to it.
Great Stuff 9-24-2019 Google Won’t Forget You … Ever; Snap Hands Over Project Voldemort
by Joseph Hargett September 24, 2019 Great Stuff
Gone, but Never Forgotten Today, we’re going to talk about digital privacy. It’s not a sexy topic by any means. But it’s a vitally important one. Earlier today, Europe’s highest court ruled in favor of Alphabet Inc.’s (Nasdaq: GOOG) Google. The case centered on Google users’ “right to be forgotten.” At its core, “right to […]
Great Stuff 9-23-2019 AT&T’s Big Night at the Emmys Spells Trouble for Netflix & Disney
by Joseph Hargett September 23, 2019 Great Stuff
And the Emmy Goes To… So, the 71st Emmy awards show was on last night. If you watched the whole thing, you probably called in sick to work this morning. I watched the first 15 to 20 minutes of the thing, got nauseous and had to load up on Tums and Pepto. Yes, it was […]
Oil supply disruption Oil Supply Disruption — What You Need to Know Now Piracy and terrorism in the Strait of Hormuz, and the drone attack on Saudi Arabian oil, have caused a huge dent in oil prices and supply. Matt Badiali sees potential in the black gold sector, but he also warns you not to take this lightly and hedge your bets. He shares two ways to play the oil market. (4-minute read)
Great Stuff 9-11-2019 Fear Did Not Win on September 11, 2001
by Joseph Hargett September 11, 2019 Great Stuff
Fear Did Not Win I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing on this day 18 year ago. It’s one of those memories that’s forever burned in my brain … like January 28, 1986. On September 11, 2001, I was working as an inventory database specialist at a small manufacturing plant in […]

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