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3 Signs a Small-Cap Stock Is Ready to Soar 3 Signs a Small-Cap Stock Is Ready to Soar Part 2 of Amber's small cap investing series: 3 signs a small-cap stock is ready to soar, and 3 ways you can take advantage of it.
Don’t Wear the “Take My Money” Sign Some of my best friends are financial advisers. They’re nice, smart people. But when it comes to investing, they’re just wrong on almost everything they say...
Sail Into the Storm There’s no way around it… We’re in a recession. Even if the so called “leaders” of our economy want to dance around it, the fact remains true...
Cauterize the Wounds of a Bleeding Portfolio When you think of a “finance guru”, you probably think of some snobby rich guy in a velvet suit driving an Italian sports car to his private jet… He skips up the airstair, then turns to the camera and says, “I’m just like you.” Right…
Setting Up A Simple Hedge Setting up a hedge is something every trader should know. Many folks think it’s complicated because of its hedge fund pedigree, but it doesn’t have to be...

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