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Latest Insights on ERIC

Sell Five Positions to Prepare for the New Year
by Optin December 13, 2017 Pivotal Point Trader
Like many retailers, Michael Kors Holdings (KORS) is closing stores. Unlike most, the stock is surging. There is good reason. The British company is finally getting back to its roots. After several years trying to appeal to the mass market, it is returning to the fat margin world of upscale brands. I added the stock to the […]
Corporate tax cuts would give retail companies the wherewithal to make competitive investments in innovation. Let’s look at the math to prove it. Play This Miracle on Main Street
by Ted Bauman December 11, 2017 Stocks
The new tax plan promises to breathe fresh life into a sector that most investors have already written off as dead.
Funko Inc. believes it can turn both pop culture and mass production into a profitable business model for collectibles. Here's why you should invest. Make a 50% Gain on This Trendy IPO Collectibles are a fickle market, especially when mass production and pop culture are involved. But one rapidly growing company is ignoring that lesson.
Core Trade Alert: Wall Street Front Runner (12/8/17)
by Optin December 8, 2017 Wall Street Front Runner
With this service, we target S&P 1500 Composite Index (S&P 500, S&P 400 & S&P 600) additions. Your goal is to get “in” as quickly as you can after the announcement is made … then get “out” after huge index funds (mutual funds and ETFs) have made their purchases. As a reminder, you should only […]
How do you heal a divided America? Bob Bauman discusses how the memory of Pearl Harbor can break through our current disunity. In Times of Disunity, Remember Pearl Harbor
by Bob Bauman December 5, 2017 Government & Politics
What force galvanized that unique American unity that, with our allies, combined to defeat the Japanese and Nazi aggressors?

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