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100 Years Led to This Fight…
by Charles Mizrahi September 20, 2022 Investing, Real Talk, Stocks
This will change the way you think about the mob.
Inflation or stagflation a Few Good Men meme. FedEx’s Truth Bomb, AutoZone’d Out & Grand Theft Take-Two
by Joseph Hargett September 19, 2022 Great Stuff
Mr. Smith Goes To Wall Street Great Ones, after this weekend’s rant from FedEx (NYSE: ) Founder and Chairman Fred Smith, I’m convinced that Wall Street doesn’t have the stomach for the truth. What truth does Mr. Smith speak? I don’t wanna spoil it, but let’s just say it’s about … stagflation! Dun dun duuun! […]
bear-market-investment Your #1 Tech Play to Dominate the Bear Market Discover the #1 tech investment crushing the bear market. It's offering a HUGE opportunity you can't miss in 2022.
How the Bond King Built His Market Empire
by Charles Mizrahi September 6, 2022 Bonds, Investing, Real Talk
He turned American finance into his casino and became known as the “Bond King.”
Fed version of Goldilocks ends different meme August’s Goldilocks Jobs Report, Frickin’ Ford, Asleep On PagerDuty
by Joseph Hargett September 2, 2022 Great Stuff
The Song Remains The Same Great Ones, I had a dream. Oh, yeah … a crazy dream. A dream that today’s August nonfarm payrolls report would offer some direction … some hope … some indication of where the economy was headed and where the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy would go. Oh, what a dream that […]

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