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Federal Reserve "Cancelling" the Santa Claus Rally? Federal Reserve “Cancelling” the Santa Claus Rally? The latest Federal Reserve rate hike is the focus this week at Banyan Hill, including whether it will cancel this year's Santa Claus rally...
2 Big Bouts of Volatility Before 270% Gain Your actions (or really — doing nothing) right now can make all the difference in your gains.
Investing in lottery tickets is a mistake These Investors Are Making the Lottery Ticket Mistake
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(3-minute read) No matter what Mr. Market is doing, Charles is focused on finding opportunities in quality businesses for you…
Paco Underhill explains the science of retail Paco Underhill on the Science of Retail (1-minute read) Podcast: Charles sat down with author Paco Underhill to discuss why some retailers make it, while others don’t…
Thrift shop bought a broken Etsy meme Etsy’s Poppin’ Tags Wall Street Style
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What’s The Deal With Thrift Shopping? Hey, Great Ones, can we go thrift shopping? What? What? What? What? You know … pop some tags? Only $20 in our pockets? Hunting through clothing racks looking for a come-up? Again … what? I’m talking about secondhand consignment stores. The ones that pile all the clothes other people […]

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