Plug Powered Profits, Nerves of Steel and a Blockchain DealJanuary 7, 2021by Joseph HargettGreat StuffGreat Stuff’s House of Gain Plug it up, plug it in … let me begin. I came to win. Battle Great Stuff? That’s a sin. I won’t ever slack up, the market better back up. So, if you came to get down with Great Stuff Reader Feedback … it’s time to get out of your […]
Election Forecasts; Clorox’s Clean Sweep; Nio the Golden ChildNovember 2, 2020by Joseph HargettGreat StuffIt’s the Final Countdown! We are close, Great Ones! One of the major cogs in the vast volatility machine is about to be put out of commission. Election day is tomorrow. While I don’t expect a clear winner before the day is up, we should be able to put this uncertainty driver to bed very […]
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