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Is Low Market Volatility Good or Bad for the Bullish? December 4, 2017 Investing, Stocks, Trading Strategies Using an indicator called the VIX Fix, we can see what market volatility was before 1990. That’s helpful when putting the current market into context.
Don’t Fall for the January Effect Myth December 2, 2017 Investing, Stocks, Trading Strategies Some trading myths have no real basis. Learning the truth about the legendary January Effect Myth will put you ahead of the curve in 2018.
The Easy Way to Boost Your Income December 1, 2017 Investing, Investment Opportunities As it turns out, income is out there.I want to show you a great avenue for adding it to your portfolio. This is the easy way to boost your income.
The Reason Not to Sweat the 2018 Stock Market Drawdown December 1, 2017 Investing, Stocks So far this year, the market has had a very small sell-off. But with a historically low drawdown in 2017, we can’t expect the same next year.
What Amazon’s Coming Fight Could Mean for Your Portfolio November 30, 2017 Economy, Government & Politics An awfully big antitrust trend is already in the works for Big Tech - and investors should beware of what an Amazon Antitrust fight could mean for you.