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What the Year of the Dog holds for us depends in large part on what each of us chooses. We will do our best to help you choose personal freedom. Former Congressman’s Thoughts on the Year Ahead December 19, 2017 by Bob Bauman Government & Politics Many investors and bankers act as though there is no day of reckoning, while American politicians cut taxes when the national debt nears $21 trillion.
Despite our problems, we in America have much for which to be grateful. Thanksgiving reminds us that there always is hope that life can be better. Thanksgiving and Its True Meaning November 23, 2017 by Bob Bauman Trending Despite our problems, we in America have much for which to be grateful. Thanksgiving reminds us that there always is hope that life can be better.
To this day … hundreds of millions of Americans have had their information compromised and more than 12 new people are hacked each second. 12 Smartphone Users Are Hacked Every Second: How to Protect Your Privacy November 11, 2017 by Jessica Cohn Privacy Invasion To this day … hundreds of millions of Americans have had their information compromised and more than 12 new people are hacked each second.
We often overlook supposedly “old school” blue chips that are adapting quite well to the technological landscape. Wal-Mart is an excellent example. Walmart Takes on Tech Giants With Walmart Pay November 10, 2017 by Joseph Hargett Investment Opportunities We often overlook supposedly “old school” blue chips that are adapting quite well to the technological landscape. Wal-Mart is an excellent example.
Tax Reform Means Big Money for Small Investors October 31, 2017 by Michael Carr U.S. Economy There’s a precedent for something as "unprecedented" as tax reform under an unloved president. And the precedent is bullish.

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