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Instead of human labor, companies are using robots to get more output and efficiency while saving money — a win-win for them. Robots Do More for Less Instead of human labor, companies are using robots to get more output and efficiency while saving money — a win-win for them. The Death of Cable TV Despite the cable TV industry's denials, the fact of the matter is that millennials just don’t watch TV the same way baby boomers did when they were young.
Our Military Has Been Hijacked For the politicians and businesspeople who control and supply the military, the latter’s nobility is a convenient political and emotional tool.
Adapting to the New Economy
by Chad Shoop April 17, 2017 Trading Strategies
With all the changes in the market in the past few months, the coming shift is inevitable … and you don’t want to be on the wrong side of it.
it’s time that we start doing some out-of-the-box thinking when it comes to protecting our assets. And it’s never been a better time to be in Uruguay. Step Free of Government Chaos
by Jocelynn Smith March 27, 2017 Offshore Living
It’s time that we start doing some out-of-the-box thinking when it comes to protecting our assets. And it’s never been a better time to be in Uruguay.

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