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Efficient market theory has a major flaw. The Major Flaw In Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) March 9, 2023 by Michael Carr Banyan Edge, Investing, Stocks One of the greatest lies in finance theory is efficient market hypothesis (EMH), which says stock prices are always correct.
President Biden and his clean energy bill would only strengthen China. China Says: “Thank You, President Biden!” March 8, 2023 by Charles Mizrahi Banyan Edge, Global Economy, Government & Politics President Biden and Washington's clean energy plans would make China the NEW OPEC — with a controlling monopoly on key green energy assets.
Web3 will revolutionize the internet with Ethereum. Ethereum & Web3 Will Revolutionize the Internet March 7, 2023 by Ian King Banyan Edge, Cryptocurrency, Diversified Investments Web3 is going to change the way we share, engage and own across the internet. Ethereum is a key player in the technology making it happen.
Top Investments for Made in America 2.0 Get Ready for “Made in America 2.0” With This Stock March 5, 2023 by Amber Lancaster Banyan Edge, Economy, Investing, Stocks, U.S. Economy Manufacturing is coming back home, bringing the return of "Made in the USA." And all signs point to one industry set to benefit most..
3 Massive Investment Trends Are Converging Now 3 Massive Investment Trends Are Converging Now March 3, 2023 by Adam O'Dell Banyan Edge, Diversified Investments, Stocks If you’ve followed me for a long time, you know I’m all about finding well-rounded companies based on my six-factor stock rating model.In essence, I look for a convergence of multiple, market-beating investment factors.Each factor alone can put a tailwind at the back of a stock’s share price. But when four, five or all six of the […]

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