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Big tech's ad revenue nothing to see here meme Meta’s Ad-Pocalypse; Or, Big Tech’s Lifeblood Runs Cold
by Joseph Hargett October 24, 2022 Great Stuff
Ad-Pocalypse Now Don’t you love the smell of Big Tech earnings in the morning? And oh what a smell is comin’ from whatever Wall Street is cooking up this week. I say “smell,” but it’s more like a rotten, decayed odor emanating from the earnings confessional. Remember last week when we said the best part […]
From the Land of Lakes and Volcanoes I’m in Nicaragua this week, looking out onto the Pacific lowlands to the west as I write this… Behind me looms the distant shadows of nearly 20 volcanoes that run along the west coast of this country. In their presence, I’m reminded of the infinite dance nature does, toeing the lines of beauty and destruction…
Bear market strategies put selling dragons meme Pondering Put Selling, Snap’ed In Half & Amex’d Signals
by Joseph Hargett October 21, 2022 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Reader Feedback” Edition? Great Ones, you’re getting a two-for today! It’s Friday Four Play and Reader Feedback … two great tastes that I hope taste great together. Dude, this is finance … not Reese’s. Why not both? Come on, you know that’s what you love about Great Stuff. We all know […]
Six Straight Weeks of Winners The market has been as choppy as ever this week. Just looking at a weekly chart of the S&P 500 or NASDAQ is like looking at a silhouette of the Andes or Himalayas...
Financial media tech little howling wolf meme Mobileye IPO Gets 68% Haircut, Meta GIFs Up, Hasbro Doesn’t Even Lift
by Joseph Hargett October 18, 2022 Great Stuff, Technology
I Spy With My Mobileye… Great Ones, it’s a good thing that Intel (Nasdaq: ) has President Biden’s CHIPS and Science Act to fall back on … ‘cause that Mobileye savings account isn’t looking quite so hot right at the moment. I’m warning you! Don’t get political! Never, Great Ones … especially with the midterms […]

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