Omicron’s Market Madness, Meta’s Gif Horse & Raptor’s WreckageNovember 30, 2021by Joseph HargettGreat StuffDon’t Panic & Carry A Towel The market gets to the bottom then goes back to the top of the slide, where it stops and it turns and it goes for a ride … ‘till it gets to the bottom and it does it again! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Do you, don’t you want me to […]
To Win at Investing, Accept That There Is NO NormalNovember 29, 2021by Ted BaumanBig Picture. Big Profits., Investing, U.S. EconomyAt times of extreme uncertainty, external factors drive the prices of individual stocks. Some are “a bit” predictable, like the actions of the Federal Reserve. Others are true “Black Swans” — completely unpredictable events such as Omicron. In “normal” times, on the other hand, we’re supposed to be able to predict the movement of stock prices using standard models. But what if there are no normal times? A fascinating article by a famous investment analyst convinces me that this is exactly the case.
Caffeine Dreams: Smucker, Sandwiches & Space SleuthingNovember 24, 2021by Joseph HargettGreat StuffWhere Do Pies Go When They Die? Great Ones. 10:30 a.m. November 24. I’m entering the town of Great Stuff … five miles south of Wall Street, 12 miles west of the state line. And I’ve never seen so many earnings reports in my life… All I did was to come to earnings season, and […]
A Zoom Without A View, Dick’s New Tricks & Best Buy Battered ‘N FriedNovember 23, 2021by Joseph HargettGreat StuffZoom For A Change Of Atmosphere Situation no win. Zoom Video Communications (Nasdaq: ) for a change of atmosphere. ZM stock can’t go on, so I give in. Gotta get myself right outta here… Big Audio Dynamite, anyone? The pandemic proved to be a kingmaker for many work-from-home companies, and few benefitted more from the […]
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