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Would You Pay Your Taxes in Crypto? February 23, 2022 Cryptocurrency, Taxes, Winning Investor Daily Crypto is continuing this momentum by entering another area — taxes.
The Most Bullish Word to Hear on an Earnings Call February 23, 2022 Investing, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters "But" doesn't work well for Amber's kids — but for companies reporting earnings, it can actually push stock prices up...
2021’s BIGGEST Winner?! February 22, 2022 Big Picture. Big Profits., Economy, Investing If you called ARKK’s top and sold it in February 2021, you would have made a lot of money. On the other hand, whoever bought ARKK from you has lost half their money in just a year’s time. Going even further, if you took your ARKK gains and put them into BRK.B on February 12, you’d be up 30% on that trade. The chances that any investors actually made that “switcheroo” are vanishingly small. The move looks good in hindsight … but at the time it would’ve seemed ludicrous to most investors. That's why you should always follow one key rule when it comes to maximizing your long-term potential…Don't be a trader … be an investor.
Nvidia’s Negative Nancies; Cannabis Coladas & Hypothetical Hyperboles February 18, 2022 Great Stuff Friday Feedback: Nvidia’s Negative Nancies Are you ready, Great Ones? Aye, aye, captain! Now there’s the enthusiasm we need for a hearty helping of … drumroll please … Reader Feedback! Today’s the day when we dig through the Great Stuff inbox for those delectable morsels you send us on the daily. Then we chew them […]
1 Powerful Pick From Possible War February 18, 2022 Big Picture. Big Profits., Global Economy, Precious Metals Today there’s a rare and irradiant metal that’s worth more than gold. Its top producers are the U.S. at 6%, South Africa at 37% and Russia, taking the lead, at 44%. As tensions flare in the Ukraine, a potential boycott of Russian ore could send prices soaring. In today’s video, I give you the inside scoop on this mystery metal, sharing the name (and ticker symbol) of the company that’ll profit most from it. Don’t let this rare recommendation pass you by...