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Consumers will spend more this year on Easter thanks to a hidden cost in their grocery bill. This item is up 37% from last year! Your Extra Hidden Cost This Easter
by Anthony Planas March 30, 2018 Soft Commodities
Consumers will spend more this year on Easter thanks to a hidden cost in their grocery bill.
Oracle's earnings miss gave me a flashback moment. I flashed back to October 3, 2000. To most of you, that date probably means nothing, but let me explain. Oracle’s Earnings Miss Provides a Flashback Moment
by Rick Pendergraft March 29, 2018 Stocks
Last week, I had a flashback moment. I flashed back to October 3, 2000. To most of you, that date probably means nothing, but let me explain.
A Cheap Way to Offset Rising Gas Prices Most of us have to buy gas, so there’s nothing we can do about the higher gas prices. But there is a way to offset them.
Hottest Investments This Chart Calls for a Crash. But It’s Not That Simple… Under normal circumstances, this looks like something that would lead to another financial crisis. However, there’s actually a good reason behind it.
One-Party State I’m Fed Up With America’s One-Party Government. Are You? The recent GOP-Trump budget-busting, debt-hiking tax law drove another nail in the coffin of the Republicans as the “conservative” party.

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