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Sports Betting Is a Smart Investment November 1, 2017 Investment Opportunities Just about everybody watches sports, and may even play fantasy sports. But there’s an entire industry out there that’s being covered up: sports betting.
Tax Reform Means Big Money for Small Investors October 31, 2017 U.S. Economy There’s a precedent for something as "unprecedented" as tax reform under an unloved president. And the precedent is bullish.
5 Reasons to Buy Microsoft Stock to Invest in Cloud-Computing September 6, 2017 Disruptors and Dominators The Pearl Street Station in New York City was the first central power plant in the world. Powered up by the Edison Illuminating Co. in September 1882, it first generated electricity for a few dozen lights in lower Manhattan. Large-scale power plants completely changed the way that people lived. Before these power plants, people produced […]
Don’t Buy This Sector’s Rally … Yet August 21, 2017 Investment Opportunities Individual stocks from this sector are set to jump 10%, 15% or more in a matter of weeks. But this isn’t the right time to buy into this sector.
Government ‘Help’ Could Cost You Big in Retirement August 15, 2017 Retirement The government made the fiduciary rule to help investors lower the costs of investing. It’s safe to say Wall Street can’t wait for the rule to fully take effect.