A Different Kind of Golden CommodityApril 7, 2017by Matt BadialiSoft CommoditiesEthanol ruins gasoline, but it has spurred a huge windfall for corn farmers. Today we have an investment opportunity in this once-beloved Midwestern staple.
Human Driver, Get Off the Road!April 5, 2017by Jeff YastineGovernment & PoliticsCould we soon see “AVO lanes” and “AVO zones” — as in “autonomous vehicles only" — as the next big thing on our highways and highly congested downtowns?
Stagnant Wages? Not HereApril 4, 2017by Jeff YastineU.S. EconomyFor one group of workers, the pay has been anything but stagnant. And yet, employers are still having trouble getting enough people for the job.
Where the Dollar Is Really HeadedApril 4, 2017by Michael CarrCurrencyInstead of worrying about the dollar, there are actually a number of technical and fundamental reasons to expect continued dollar strength.
Washington Attacks Your PrivacyApril 3, 2017by Ted BaumanPrivacy InvasionCongress voted to repeal a rule that protected your online privacy. I have a solution to this travesty that works for me … and will work for you too.
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