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Jeff Yastine and Brian Christopher explain how you can use their patented trading algorithm to score gains of 1,000% or more over and over again. Experts’ Algorithm Scores 1,000% Gains Over and Over Again Jeff Yastine and Brian Christopher explain how you can use their patented trading algorithm to score gains of 1,000% or more over and over again.
Technology is taking over Wall Street. And Google’s next wave of robot traders will get rid of the humans who make the buy and sell decisions. Google’s Robot Traders Will Conquer Wall Street Technology is taking over Wall Street. And Google’s next wave of tech will get rid of the humans who make the buy and sell decisions.
Trump Conspiracy? Nope, Just a Great Stuff Trading Strategy Trump Twitter Conspiracy? Nope, Just a Great Stuff Trading Strategy
by Joseph Hargett October 18, 2019 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Doin’ It Our Way” Edition Dorothy, we’re not in Indiana any more. What a wild ride back from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that was. Sadly, I didn’t have time to visit Shotz Brewery. You don’t always have time for “doin’ it our way.” On a side (side) note, Milwaukee is Algonquin for “the […]
Working-Class Folks Turned Millionaires — Here’s How They Did It It’s easy to understand how to invest in the stock market, but many find it much more difficult to do. Charles Mizrahi talks about the success stories of three working-class people who made millions by doing simple things, and he shares four tips on how you can do it too. (6-minute video)
News of the (alleged) trade deal was so good, Great Stuff had to take a hiatus today. Great Stuff on Tour; Netflix on the Rocks
by Joseph Hargett October 17, 2019 Great Stuff
Three things you need to read while Great Stuff is off gallivanting (read: stranded).

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“At the end of August [2018], my 401K was $659,000. Now, on September 4th [2018], it’s $715,000. My account is up $56,000 in the last 5 days!”

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