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Don’t go chasing unicorns; please stick to the indexes and the stocks that you’re used to. WeWork was going to have things its way or nothing at all. WeWork’s Lesson in Unicorn Chasing; Tesla Bears Get Crushed
by Joseph Hargett October 24, 2019 Great Stuff
The Trouble With Chasing Unicorns I think it’s safe to say that I have a unique sense of humor. That’s putting it politely. It’s definitely not one you find very often in the financial realm. However, the saga of WeWork has brought out the inner cynic in more than a few op-ed writers lately. I […]
Jeff Yastine Banyan Hill’s Most Misunderstood Man — Here’s the Truth About Jeff Yastine It’s important you read this, because I need to set the record straight about this gentleman. He’s one of the most misunderstood people at Banyan Hill … and maybe in the entire industry.
Semiconductors Fuel the Next Tech Revolution Semiconductors Fuel the Next Tech Revolution — Buy Shares Now Many investors are only beginning to wake up to the opportunity presented by semiconductors. Although semiconductor stock prices have begun to rise, they haven’t yet taken off.
Do you want another 2008 financial crisis? Because this is how you get another 2008 financial crisis. The Repo Man Is Coming; Snap’s Back; Comcast’s “Free” Flex
by Joseph Hargett October 23, 2019 Great Stuff
The Repo-Rate Man Is Coming Did you think we were done talking about the Federal Reserve and repo rates? (I’ll bet you wished we were.) About one month ago, the financial media were filled with stories about a “mini” crisis involving overnight lending rates, bank liquidity and the Fed’s reserve rates for financial institutions. Yeah […]
Downturn Play for Oil-Refining Stocks, Triple-Digit Gains Before Christmas: John’s Weekly Chart Oil-refining stocks rose in recent months after several news events in the Middle East. But in this week’s chart, John Ross explains why he predicts a downturn. Plus, he shows you a way you can play the drop for short-term triple-digit gains. (3-minute read)

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