Investor Insights:

  • I need to set the record straight about this gentleman.
  • Some people I talk to think that he only recommends value stocks.
  • This couldn’t be further from the truth — especially today.

Normally in these pages, I tell you about a stock or an industry that I think you should pay attention to.

But my main goal today is to tell you about someone … not something.

But this isn’t just any someone. This is someone you need to know as an investor.

His insight will both help make you richer … and help you better navigate the world of investing.

It’s important you read on, because I need to set the record straight about this gentleman.

He’s one of the most misunderstood people at Banyan Hill … and maybe in the entire industry.

And that misunderstanding may be causing you to miss out on a lot of money…

Introducing Jeff Yastine

It’s important you read this, because I need to set the record straight about this gentleman. He’s one of the most misunderstood people at Banyan Hill … and maybe in the entire industry.I’ve been working closely with Jeff Yastine for the past two years.

In addition to contributing to these pages, he’s also the editor of the Total Wealth Insider newsletter. And an all-around nice guy.

Like many of you, I knew him before I came to Banyan Hill. Not personally … although it felt like I did. After all, he was in my living room.

I frequently watched the Nightly Business Report on PBS, for which Jeff was a correspondent. Jeff roamed the country interviewing luminaries such as the colorful Herb Kelleher from Southwest Airlines and Sir Richard Branson from Virgin Group.

It was that national correspondent role that gave Jeff insight into more industries than most of us will ever shake a stick at.

After all, he didn’t just go talk to the people he was interviewing willy-nilly.

He had to study them. He had to learn about their companies. He even had to get a feel for their stocks.

For the discussion to be a success, he had to lead it. And you can’t lead without foresight.

In some cases, he got that knowledge straight from the source: the CEO he was speaking to. What an education!

Talking stocks with Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett and finance with Nobel Prize-winning economist Richard Thaler…

You can’t script that.

Fast Forward to Today

If you ever go to one of Banyan Hill’s conferences, you’ll see that Jeff is the most approachable member of our team.

I’ve seen him stand with the same crowd for more than an hour. More than once.

He answers people’s questions … and asks some of his own. (A tiger can’t change its stripes.) And he just makes sure people feel like they’re getting their money’s worth.

It’s at events like these that I also hear the misconceptions about Jeff.

People know that Jeff is a value guru.

He recommends stocks at reasonable prices in his newsletter. He has five value stocks in his portfolio today that are up more than 25% … and pay a healthy dividend to boot.

Twelve of the 22 stocks are up double digits or more.

However, some people I talk to think that Jeff only recommends value stocks.

This couldn’t be further from the truth — especially today.

Growth stocks have seen the most action the past few years. And Jeff has been right in the thick of it.

Jeff’s newsletter includes some of the most cutting-edge tech names you can imagine.

After all, you can’t interview Steve Ballmer, the former CEO of Microsoft, or Dell Technologies founder Michael Dell without knowing about the spaces they control.

Jeff Knows High Tech

As part of his education that I outlined above, Jeff learned about these industries relentlessly.

Today, he uses that insight — and a whole lot of reading — to recommend tech stocks to his readers … with a twist.

You see, Jeff’s ability to see the value in stocks allows him to pick the tech stocks that have both promising technologies and solid, growing numbers.

For example, since May, Jeff has sold four names for gains of more than 45% each.

And we don’t have to go back very far to find more of these. In the second half of 2018, he sold four other names for 45%-plus gains.

And two of those were triple-digit gains!

These sales include firms from industries such as software, semiconductors, communications equipment and aerospace.

Jeff knows high tech. It’s clear when you talk to him.

His speech at our Total Wealth Symposium this year was about the new drone economy. The ways that tech businesses — and regular ones — are using drones to be more efficient.


He even had one fly throughout the conference center. I’m not kidding.

A Trusted Source for Investment Information

Our world is in a place so advanced, it’s almost hard to imagine.

When you’re navigating the investing minefield, Jeff Yastine is one of the greatest guides you can have.

You also need to know that his feel for the tech space is solid.

And I’m not just saying that because I learn from Jeff every time I talk to him.

Good investing,

Brian Christopher

Editor, Profit Line

P.S. Jeff’s four decades of investing experience are about to pay off big-time for you. That’s because he just found an incredible innovation that will make the internet obsolete … unlocking a $48 trillion boom for the tech industry. It’s time to stake your claim to this massive windfall! Click here to find out how.


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