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Trade Wars Trade Wars Are Economic Self-Mutilation
by Bob Bauman March 13, 2018 Economy
International trade as economic conflict, also known as trade wars, creates a real threat to American profits and U.S. jobs.
Don’t Fall for Corporate America’s Dirty Trick
by Ted Bauman March 12, 2018 U.S. Economy
This once-illegal activity is the single largest short-term driver of the stock market.
Employment Report Shows the Bull Market Is Back on Track
by Michael Carr March 12, 2018 Economy
The rising participation rate confirms growth in employment is possible. Although rising, the participation rate remains well below its historical average.
announcement on tariffs The Real Reason Tariffs Threaten Our Economy
by Chad Shoop March 12, 2018 Economy, U.S. Economy
The trickle-down effects of protectionist policies like tariffs will upend the U.S. economy as we know it. Here’s how it works...
There is something brewing in the precious metals market. I’ve got that for you today, as well as a must-see silver video. A Silver Video Straight From the Horse’s Mouth
by Sean Brodrick March 8, 2018 Precious Metals
There is something brewing in the precious metals market. I’ve got that for you today, as well as a must-see video with a silver miner.

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